Brasaola of Veal

June Challenge – Heloise knows what cookbook this is from.

Brasaola of Veal

1.25 C Balsamic Vinegar
1 Tbsp Sugar
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/8 tsp Clove
1/8 tsp Nutmeg

3 Veal Cutlets – cut to size, about 3 pieces each
Balsamic vinegar – a few splashes
White Wine infused with crushed garlic – a few splashes
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 tsp Ground Coriander

4 Tbsp lard
Season the veal with wine, vinegar, coriander, salt and pepper.
Press the cutlets between heavy plates for approx. 1 hour.

Mix the vinegar with the seasonings – sugar through nutmeg.
Simmer on stove until reduced by half.
Dredge cutlets in flour.
(I used bacon grease for lard – by cooking down pancetta)
Fry the cutlets quickly on each side until done.
Serve with sauce.

(Original Recipe:

To make bresaola of lean veal, fried or grilled

When bresaola are cut up the same as croquettes (get the leanest part
of the loin and cut it up into slices a hand in length, four fingers
wide and a knife’s spice think) and beaten on both sides with the
spine of  knife, they are splashed with a little vinegar and Greek
wine containing crushed garlic, and sprinkled with fennel flow or
ground coriander, pepper and salt, and then set in a press for an hour
on top of the other.  To fry them in rendered fat or lard, first flour
them, then fry them so they brown a little and they will soft rather
than dry out.  You serve them hot with sugar, cinnamon and orange
juice over them; Or else dress them with a sauce made of vinegar,
sugar, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.

But if you want them done on a grill, after they have been sprinkled
and been in the press put them on the grill with a thin strip of pork
fat for each one, so that the bresaola stay softer, cooking them over
a low fire and turning them frequently.  The smoke that forms beneath
the grill because of the grease that is dripping will give them an
excellent flavour and the very best taste. When they are done, they
should be served with one of the above-mentionned sauces with which
the fried ones are served.

Instead of putting those bresaola on the grill, they can be cooked in
a tourte pan greased with rendered fat, with the same thin slices of
pork fat on them.  They are served with their sauce and orange juice
over them.)

The sauce was very popular and went on other dishes at the meal as well.


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